O’Ralov, L. S. O. G. L., & Xoldarova, Z. T. Q. (2021). TIKUV-TRIKOTAJ KORXONALARIDA CHEKMASLIKNI ANIQLASH VA CHEKMASLIKDA UCHRAYDIGAN NUQSONLARNI BARTARAF ETISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 33-36.

Author: O’ralov Lazizbek Soyibnazar o’g’li,Xoldarova Zamira Tursunqul qizi

Annotation: This article describes how to obtain non-smoking materials, calculate them and eliminate the shortcomings of non-smoking, and recommends their use in manufacturing.

Keywords: Product, manufacturing, light industry, fabric, indicator.
