Author: Каримова, Гульхумор Латифжон кизи; Мажидова, Ёкутхон Набиевна; Бостонов, Ойбек Якубович
Annotation: Before proceeding to the main topic of our article, I would like to first define the term “neurological manifestations”. In medicine, it is customary to call children born prematurely or prematurely; the earlier a child is born, the less developed its organs are, and the higher the risk of subsequent complications. These include cerebral palsy, sensory and motor deficits, behavioral and learning disorders, and often lung problems. According to WHO, when a child is born after the 22nd week of pregnancy, he has every chance of survival. A premature baby requires close attention, since a number of problems often arise in the process of nursing it.
Keywords: low birth weight child, adaptation of children with low birth weight, hypoxia, birth trauma.
Pages in journal: 381 - 387