
Author: Yaxshiyeva, E’tibor Baxtiyorovna

Annotation: This article examines the issue of terminological polysemy phenomenon. In particular, the analysis of the polysemy, which is also observed in the terminological units, was carried out on the example of the pedagogical terminology of the Uzbek language. According to scientific approaches, the term that serves to clearly express the concept of the field should be unambiguous and express a specific concept of a specific field. Linguistic experts, including terminologists, have not fully resolved the issue of the term's single meaning and multiple meaning. The objective case shows that the semantic structure of some terms consists of more than one meaning, that is, the existence of terminological polysemy. Terminological polysemy is observed in the terminology of all fields. This situation is widely reflected in general linguistic and special dictionaries. The semantic structure of some terms consists of general lexical meaning and terminological meaning, while some terminological units contain meanings related to more than one concept. This situation calls for the semantic separation of terms into lexeme-term and pure term, as well as their lexicographic interpretation and description. This shows the relevance of tasks related to evaluating and describing the place of lexical-semantic relations in terminology, the relationship of terminological polysemy with homonymy and polyfunctionality based on a separate approach, as well as prevention and regulation of ambiguity arising in terminology. .

Keywords: lexical system, word, term, terminology, pedagogy, lexical-semantic relationship, concept, meaning, monosemy, polysemy, terminological meaning, polysemantic term, lexicographic explanation, lexeme-term.

Pages in journal: 562 - 568
