Author: Soyibnazarov, Bahtiyor Abdunazar o‘g’li
Annotation: Today in the modern world, position of the countries in the world ranking is determined by not only its military and political power, production volume, as well as its ability to create the results of inventive and intellectual property. At the same time, the ability to create and use innovative technologies is considered one of the necessary conditions not only for scientific and innovative growth, but also for effective participation of the country in the world economy and a decent standard of living for its inhabitants. Therefore, the creation of intellectual property objects in the countries is encouraged and protected in every way. In the following article, we will analyze the procedure of legal protection of objects of patent law, which is one of the topics that remain relevant in intellectual property law, within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People’s Republic of China.
Keywords: patent, patent office, invention, utility model, industrial model, legal protection.
Pages in journal: 117 - 124