Author: Eshiniyazov, Berdiniyaz Ańsatbay ulı; Saliev, Erkin Polatbay ulı; Tursınbaev, Alpamıs Kenesbaevich
Annotation: Currently, the processes of mutual integration in all spheres, which are ongoing in the era of globalization in the world, give impetus to the further development of the tourism sector. Pilgrimage tourism, along with other areas of tourism, is of particular importance and serves the development of the spiritual and material culture of all peoples. Therefore, all countries of the world are using all opportunities to develop this industry. Pilgrimage tourism not only helps the peoples of the world to understand their national identity, but also opens a wide way for the development of cultural and humanitarian relations between them. The growing development of this field as an important component of spiritual culture creates a foundation for cultural and spiritual relations between peoples.
Keywords: tourism, shrines, pilgrimage tourism ,cultural and spiritual relations, objects of cultural heritage.
Pages in journal: 243 - 251