Author: Rakhimov, Mansurbek Mavlonjonovich
Annotation: As a result of damage to the pear leaves turn black and fall off in the middle of summer.Mature pears are very mobile and sensitive,so they are afraid and jump from leaf to leaf,branch to branch with a sense of danger.They are wrapped in the fluid they excrete,lose their sensitivity to pest and insecticides,and become protected.As a result,it becomes difficult to eradicate them.However,the following insecticides work well in science-based control methods.Karate-to/l 0,4,nurell-D-to/l 1,0 vertimek-to /l 0,3 tsipermetrin-to /l 0,3 ,dimilin-to /l 0,1 konfidor-to /l 0,3 Endjeo- to/l 0,2.
Keywords: (Psylla pyri L.) leaf, branch bud, tree, insect, damage, pest, egg, larva, mature seed, resistant cultivar, insecticide
Pages in journal: 1248 - 1253