Pirmatov, N. B., & Abdullayev, J. N. (2021). SINXRON GENERATORLARDA CHO ‘TKASIZ QO ‘ZG ‘ATISH TIZIMINING QO ‘LLANILISHI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 755-758.

Author: Abdullayev, J.N.; Pirmatov, N.B.

Annotation: It is known that synchronous generators are the main electromechanical converters in power generation. However, the existence of a contact ring-brush system is the main disadvantage of traditional synchronous generators, therefore, the improvement of synchronous generators is one of the main tasks today. The use of brushless generators is the solution to this problem. This article analyzes the issues of using synchronous brushless generators. The electric circuit of the brushless generator and its advantages over the traditional synchronous generators is presented.

Keywords: contact ring-brush system, brushless synchronous generator, field winding, exciter, rectifier, electric circuit.
