Pirmatov, N. B., & Shaulemetov, T. U. (2021). BIR FAZALI QISQA TUTASHTIRILGAN KUCH AVTOTRANSFORMATORINING NOSEMMETIRIK REJIMLARINI MATLAB SIMULINGDA TADQIQ QILISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 446-453.

Author: Pirmatov, N.B.; Shaulemetov, T.U.

Annotation: This article shows the research work on the matlab Simulink software for the study of the short circuit of a single-phase power autotransformer. For a single-phase short circuit, the results of the analysis are compared with the results of symmetrical components commonly used to analyze symmetrical failures in single-phase power systems. The influence of the first phase on the distribution of phase voltage and symmetrical discharge current associated with the stellar neutral is analyzed.

Keywords: power autotransformers, short circuit, active resistance, non-symmetrical modes, single-phase, voltage, amperage.
