Po‘Latova, D. A. (2021). SHARQ EPIK AN’ANALARIDA QADIMGI MIFOLOGIK DUNYOQARASH VA AXLOQIY QADRIYATLAR UYG ‘UNLIGI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 6-13.

Author: Po‘latova, Dildor Akmalovna

Annotation: This article analyzes the main aspects of moral values that are reflected in the oriental epics. Epic works based on ancient oriental myths are viewed through the prism of human morality as an essential component of his life and activity and society as a whole. Particular attention is paid to the role of oriental epic works in the formation of the oriental mentality and such moral values of the individual as heroism, courage, loyalty, devotion, honesty, justice, virtue.

Keywords: spiritual heritage, oriental epic, mythological worldview, moral values of the individual, oriental mentality.
