
Author: Асадова, Дилбархон Файзуллоевна

Annotation: This scientific article explores the postmodern trend, one of the newest trends in the field of literary criticism. Postmodern literature appears in literature as non-traditional literature of social life. Although postmodernist theorists regard the new movement as a movement against modernism, it takes its main characteristics from contemporary literature. The article also provides information about the history of postmodernism, postmodern literature, postmodern concept, postmodern novel. The postmodern novel consists of experiments in avant-garde form, texts combined with different ideological views, science fiction and detective-adventure novels created in a new spirit, events are unexpected, sometimes taking place in extraterrestrial space and time. In postmodernism, special attention is paid to the concept of "time", where time is no longer linear, but relative. Time cannot control a person; instead, a person becomes the manager of time. A new artistic universe is created from the summation of large-scale contradictions, such as material-spiritual, soul-body, physics-metaphysics, abstract-real, life-death, actual-fantasy, East-West. The article discusses the most important features, basic elements and artistic principles characteristic of postmodern novels. One of the most important features of the postmodern text is the phenomenon of play. Intertextuality is an important element in the structure of postmodernism. Also in postmodernism there will be such elements as polyphony, collage, diversity, the elimination of distance between elite art and popular culture, the reconciliation of art and life, the sharing of the reader in the process of writing, the constant reminder that what is read is not reality, but a product of the imagination, elimination of conflicts between genres.

Keywords: Postmodernism, postmodern novel, motif, narrators, polyphony, collage, game phenomenon, parody, pastiche, intertextuality.

Pages in journal: 184 - 202
