
Author: Исамухамедов, Темур Маратович

Annotation: This article explores the complex area of ​​information security in modern society, considering its domestic and international aspects. Using two different sociological approaches – structural-functional and interpretative – this analysis reveals the complex structure of information security. Information security has become one of the most important issues in modern international relations. The development of information technology has led to an increase in the dependence of states and international organizations on information systems and networks. At the same time, cyberattacks and other threats to information security are frequent and can undermine the stability and security of states. In modern international relations, information security is an integral part of national and international security. States and international organizations take measures to protect their information systems and networks from cyberattacks and other threats. Ensuring information security includes a number of measures, such as: Development and implementation of national strategies and programs in the field of information security. Creation and maintenance of effective systems for protecting information systems and networks. Development of international cooperation in the field of information security. Training and education of specialists in the field of information security. Raising awareness of government agencies, enterprises and citizens on information security issues. Ensuring information security is a complex task that requires constant monitoring and adaptation to changing threats. Effective information security measures serve the stability, security and well-being of states and the entire international community. In today's era, when information and communication technologies permeate the entire society, the emergence of the information society represents a major milestone in the development of society. The uninterrupted flow of information not only contributes to human survival but is also necessary for sustainable growth. Consequently, information security is gaining increasing importance, attracting increasing attention from both researchers and practitioners. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of information security, examining its essence, various manifestations and implications in today's digital environment. In addition, it examines the various strategies and methodologies used to protect critical data and systems. In addition, this study expands on the analysis of the potential impact of information security measures on the development of society, allowing for a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between these measures and the development of society.

Keywords: digital society, information sphere, information system, data protection, communication, information risk, structural and functional analysis, sociological paradigm.

Pages in journal: 220 - 233
