Пулатова, Ш. К. (2021). ОСОБЕННОСТИ КЛИНИЧЕСКОГО ТЕЧЕНИЯ И КОМПЛЕКСНОЙ ТЕРАПИИ ПЕРЕЛОМОВ НИЖНЕЙ ЧЕЛЮСТИ С ЦЕЛЬЮ ПРОФИЛАКТИКИ ВОСПАЛИТЕЛЬНЫХ ОСЛОЖНЕНИЙ (литературный анализ). Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10)

Author: Пулатова, Шахзода Каримовна

Annotation: Conducting a scientific and informational search and summarizing the literature data on the profile of studies concerning traumatic injuries to the bones of the facial skeleton allowed us to conclude that the clinical course of mandibular fractures is still characterized by the development of inflammatory complications. One of the causes of infectious complications is a decrease in the defenses of the body of patients. Therefore, the problem of improving the methods of complex treatment of mandibular injuries remains an urgent task of maxillofacial surgeons today.

Keywords: traumatology of the maxillofacial region, fractures of the mandible, reduction of resistance, neurohumoral regulation, correction of immunity, immunostimulating therapy.
