Author: Гофуров, Ёдгорбек Кодирович; Маматқулов, Баходир Хатамович
Annotation: This article provides the history of creation, purpose, basic tactics and technical data, combat capabilities and ways to modernize the ZSU-23-4 “Shilka” self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.
Keywords: self-propelled anti-aircraft unit (SPAAG), radar station (RLS), design bureau (OKB), ground forces air defense (air defense), air target (AT), ground target (GT), armor-piercing incendiary tracer projectile ( BZT), calculating and deciding device (CRP), radar-instrument complex (RPK-2), anti-aircraft missile unit (ZRCH), anti-aircraft gun and missile system (ZPRK), gas turbine unit (GTA), auxiliary power unit (APU) , fire control system (FCS), command post (CP), digital computer system (DCS).
Pages in journal: 893 - 904