
Author: Qirg‘izov, Imyaminjon; Mamajonova, Dildoraxon Аbduraxmonovna

Annotation: The article presents an analysis of female singing in the development of ancient Eastern musical art and the development of the Uzbek national musical art from an educational point of view. In ancient times, the sages said that raising girls, along with sons in the family, is one of the most pressing and important tasks. Вecause a smart and intelligent woman creates the foundation for the whole family to build and grow in the future. Вy mastering the basics of gender relations in society, the ideas contained in its content, the formation of one’s personal qualities of faith and beliefs under the influence of a world view, the goals of developing the ability to cognize the mental maturity of a person under the influence. In this educational process, the formation of attitudes towards work and study becomes relevant goals. Based on this need, the tasks and implications of the theoretical foundations of female singing in the development of ancient Eastern musical art were determined. The educational system in the development of ancient Eastern musical art and the role of women's singing schools in it are incomparable. Philosophical views on the healing and educational effects of music on the human body are presented in the activities of women's singing schools as well as in the essence of ancient oriental music schools.

Keywords: music, art, singing, edication, tradition, national, makom, Buzruk, Rost, Navo, Irak, Ushshok.

Pages in journal: 264 - 275
