
Author: Bebitov, Maqsud Abdirasulovich; Mardonov, Muxriddin Islom o‘g‘li

Annotation: This study provides information about the spiritual and educational activities of the Karakhanids, the first Muslim Turkic state. Various sources on the topic of the study were studied and the necessary information on the results was included in the scope of the study. Therefore, the religious factor (Islam) is an important factor that positively influences the educational activities of the Karakhanids. Prior to the adoption of Islam by the Karakhanids, their educational activities did not have a definite systematic educational activity. With the adoption of Islam, the education system becomes more orderly and systematic, one can see that the madrasas are the focus of the education system, and the scholars who flourished during this period left an indelible mark.

Keywords: Education, teaching, Karakhanids, madrasah, mudarris.

Pages in journal: 487 - 491
