Qo‘Ziyev, S. S., & Mamayusupov, J. S. (2021). UMUMIY O ‘RTA TA’LIM MAKTABLARI UCHUN ELEKTRON DARSLIK YARATISHNING PEDAGOGIK SHARTLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 447-453.

Author: Qo‘ziyev, Shaxobiddin Sobirovich; Mamayusupov, Jamshid Shoyunusovich

Annotation: This article discusses the pedagogical conditions for the creation of e-textbooks for general secondary schools, the specifics of e-textbooks, their differences from traditional textbooks. Theoretical bases of creation of the electronic textbook: the main purpose, tasks, step-by-step technology, pedagogical conditions are also developed.

Keywords: electronic textbook, pedagogical bases, technology, mathematics textbook, pedagogical conditions, monitoring, interactivity, factors.
