Quramboyev, A. M. (2022). YANGILANAYOTGAN OʻZBEKISTONDA MAʼNAVIYAT VA HUQUQIY DEMOKRATIK DAVLAT. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 195-201.

Author: Quramboyev, Alisher Maxsudovich

Annotation: This article examines the issues of raising this level to a higher level, highlighting the importance of the issue of attitude to democracy in our national spirituality in the formation of an active civic position in New Uzbekistan. The article also highlights the importance of civil society with a high level of political awareness and culture in building the overall capacity of society. The topic provides recommendations and conclusions on the development of active civil society in our country, studying the achievements and shortcomings of the study of spirituality and democratic legal issues in different countries experiencing socio-political changes and building civil society.

Keywords: enlightened society, democracy, spirituality, civic activism, political culture, civil society, active citizenship.
