Qurbonov, B. (2022). “MAJOLIS UN-NAFOIS” VA “LATOYIFNOMA” TAZKIRALARIDAGI MATNLARNING QIYOSIY TAHLILI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 616-625.

Author: Qurbonov, Bobur

Annotation: This article analyzes the similarities and differences between "Majolis un-nafois" (collection of the elect) and its first translation - "Latoifnoma" by Fahri Khiravi. For this purpose, a comparative analysis was made of the data on the three great persons named in these two tazkirs, who were members of the Timurid dynasty. The level of any translated work from the point of view of the literary language directly depends on the skill of the translator. That is why the difference between the translation of many works and its originality is obvious, and this difference is due mainly to the aspect of literary language. “Majolis un-nafois” is an incomparable work, and its translation requires a high level of skill. For the rhythmic translation of such works, only the translator's translation skills and his level of language proficiency are not enough. The translator must master the art of speech, otherwise the content and essence of the translated work will not be fully expressed. In addition to the artistic language and imagery, there are other differences in the description of Latojifnoma. The ninth chapter, which is attached to the eight chapters of the Majolis un-nafais, is one such distinction. In addition, some additions have been made to the information available when translating the biographies of poets and writers mentioned in “Majolis un-nafais” from Turkish into Persian. In other places, on the contrary, the data is partially reduced.

Keywords: Nava'i, Fahri, anthology, Majalis un-nafais (anthology of the chosen ones), Latoyifnoma, translation, manuscript, Turkish, Persian, source.
