Author: Bobokalonov, Ramazon Rajabovich; Narzullayeva, Dilfuza Bafoyevna.
Annotation: This article provides information on the ongoing research on the harmony of the Qur'an, the doctrine of Sufism, and semantically-functionally formed speech derivatives. In the process of studying the topic, the methods of logic, historicity, consistency and objectivity of the theory of knowledge were used. In modern linguistics, the compatibility of semantic-functional speech derivatives with the Qur'an and the teachings of Sufism is being studied for the first time.
Keywords: Qur'an, Sufism, Sharia, Tariqat, enlightenment, truth, Sufism, Zikr, Obed, Arif, Shaykh, speech configuration, theonyms, lexical combination, lexical-semantic configuration.
Pages in journal: 11 - 18