Radjabov, T. Y., Mirzaolimov, I. Y., & Qarshiboyev, A. I. O. G. L. (2021). YER USTI LAZER SKANERLASH TEXNOLOGIYASI YORDAMIDA OBYEKTLARINI TADQIQ QILISH HAQIDA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 204-208.

Author: Radjabov, Toxir Yusupovich; Mirzaolimov, Ilxom Yusupjonovich; Qarshiboyev Abdullaziz Ixtiyor o‘g‘li

Annotation: The implementation of research and practical work using GIS in the field of exploration and design of artificial structures is developing rapidly. The provision of GIS with the necessary and timely data is largely dependent on the acquisition, collection and storage of data in the short term at the required level of accuracy and demand, using modern electronic digital geodetic instruments and GNSS technology. Therefore, the solution of these issues is important and has theoretical and practical significance.

Keywords: spatial coordinates, laser scanning, point cloud, Leica Scan Station R20 laser scanner, GNSS, Leica, Trimble.
