Radjabova, X. F. (2022). OTA-ONA, MAKTAB VA O ‘QITUVCHI HAMKORLIGIDAGI HARAKAT TA’LIMNI QO ‘LLAB QUVVATLASHNING SAMARALI USULIDIR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 20-26.

Author: Radjabova, Xulkar Farmonovna

Annotation: Collaboration between parents is based on a “teacher-student” relationship. But now, at a time when the family is the primary social institution of child rearing and upbringing, a general education institution cannot achieve high, positive results without collaborating with parents. Therefore, a new type of parent-child-teacher partnership is evolving. In this type of relationship, the child is no longer the object but the subject of educational activity, the leading idea of the system of work of school teachers with parents is to establish partnerships with each child's family, mutual assistance and is to create an environment of common interest. The article also discusses the effectiveness and benefits of cooperation between parents, teachers and schools.

Keywords: Teacher, school, parent, quality, collaboration, education.
