Rahimjonov, A. (2022). KO ‘CHMAS MULK SOTILGANDA YER UCHASTKASIGA BO ‘LGAN HUQUQNING YURIDIK TAQDIRINI BELGILASH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 421-429.

Author: Rahimjonov, Akmaljon

Annotation: In this article, the fate of the right to land in the sale of real estate in a market economy is determined by the procedures for its registration and state registration, the legal regulation of relations related to the sale of real estate and the relevant registration Even today, real estate is not only a shelter and basic property for a person, but also the main object of entrepreneurial activity, the place of determination of the legal address of the entrepreneur.

Keywords: Real estate, land, owner, property rights, private property, possession, use, disposal.
