Рахимбердиев, Ш. Р. (2021). ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПОРАЖЕНИЯ НЕРВНОЙ СИСТЕМЫ И КОГНИТИВНОЙ СФЕРЫ ПРИ ПЕРВИЧНОМ ГИПОТИРЕОЗЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1063-1079.

Author: Рахимбердиев, Шохрухбек Равшанбекович

Annotation: In recent studies carried out in the field of somatoneurology, more and more, attention has been paid to cognitive impairments, which were caused by systemic metabolic disorders, in particular endocrinopathies. One of the most common endocrinological pathologies is hypothyroidism, characterized by the inability of the thyroid gland to produce enough thyroid hormones. It was examined the nervous system and the cognitive sphere in primary hypothyroidism, as well as analyzed the factors affecting cognitive performance in the study. We examined 62 patients with clinical and biochemical symptoms of hypothyroidism, who were divided into study groups, considering the level of hypothyroidism severity, who underwent neuropsychological testing with international scales (MMSE, FAB). The results of the study showed the severity of cognitive disorders in the main group, in contrast to the control group. It should be emphasized that the degree of cognitive impairment is not equally expressed. The results of the study are useful in the practice of endocrinologists, neurologists, therapists, family doctors, as well as in the educational program of medical universities.

Keywords: neurological impairment, cognitive impairment, hypothyroidism, neuropsychological testing, memory, attention, praxis
