Rakhimov, M., Yuldashev, A., & Solidjonov, D. (2021). THE ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF E-LEARNING PLATFORMS AND MONITORING KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 308

Author: Rakhimov, Mehriddin; Yuldashev, Axrorjon; Solidjonov, Dilyorjon

Annotation: E-learning was driven due to the current state of things and the COVID-19 pandemic and global lockdown. According to the forecast even before the coronavirus, the worldwide e-learning market was expected to grow to $325 billion in 2025. The technology evolves with new features added and possibilities opened. If you want to know how AI (artificial intelligence) can improve your e-learning solutions, monitoring knowledge of students, management of e-learning platforms, then you have to read this article to the end.

Keywords: ICT in Education, E-learning, artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, monitoring knowledge, AI technologies
