Rakhimova, G. S., & Kadirova, L. V. (2022). THE USE OF INTERACTIVE METHODS TO ASSESS THE LEVEL OF ASSIMILATION OF THE MATERIAL STUDIED IN PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 463-469.

Author: Rakhimova, Gulnoz Shamsievna; Kadirova, Laylo Valijonovna

Annotation: Pathological physiology is one of the fundamental, integrating sciences at the medical institute. The transition of the higher education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan to a credit-modular organization of the educational process is aimed at improving the quality of education and requires the development of new standards. Traditional assessment methods cannot objectively assess professional competence and the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process, which do not find their practical application, remain unclaimed. An important role in the professional training and assessment of the level of competence development of students in medical universities is played by the use of active teaching methods.

Keywords: pathological physiology, passive and active methods, interactive methods, quality of students' training, competence.
