
Author: Akramov, Akmaljon Anvarjon o’g’li

Annotation: Digitization is entering every direction, changing the human position. Even traditional paper currencies are becoming electronic. In this article, we will discuss the impact of digitization on the order and policy of inheritance, the ways of regulating these legal relations. Social media policy and EU practice already relate to some approaches to regulating this process, but do not fully cover it. However, the Republic of Uzbekistan is trying to establish normative documents of digital heritage. The article also talks about proposals for digitalization of the inheritance law process in Uzbekistan through the adoption of a number of regulatory documents and methods of regulating this process. Offline electronic wills are traditionally typed on a computer and stored on a hard drive. They have never printed or uploaded a web survey. On the other hand, online electronic wills are available in the Cloud, Google Docs, etc. stored in social accounts such as The last type of electronic will is considered when the company becomes the custodian and it regulates, controls, creates and executes and stores the will of the testator. Innovations introduced or promoted by commercial corporations, such as websites that allow testators to prepare wills cheaply and easily, statutes that allow private firms to serve as qualified custodians of e-wills, services that help create certified digital signatures, and e-notaries it also means that the private sector is working on implementing electronic wills.

Keywords: Digital inheritance, electronic will, inheritance contract, Big Data, Social Network, Digital Data, state practice, digital property.

Pages in journal: 807 - 818
