RASHIDIDDIN VATVOTNING “HADOYIQ U-S-SEHR” ASARI QO’LYOZMALARINING MATNIY TADQIQI (San’atlarga keltirilgan misollarining miqdorilari tahlili)

Author: Qodirova, Zuhra Obidxonovna

Annotation: This article provides a brief textual analysis of the manuscript of Rashiddin Vatvot’s work entitled “Hadayik u-s-sehr fi dakayik u-sh-sher.” The work is dedicated to the visual arts and mentions sixty-two arts. However, only the fifty-five arts are divided into chapters, and the remaining seven arts are briefly commented on. At least 5 or 6 examples of each of the fifty-five arts are given in arabic and persian. The article provides a comparative analysis of these examples among manuscripts.

Keywords: fine arts, samples, manuscripts, classical literature, science, writer, literature, comparative study, text.

Pages in journal: 78 - 83
