Raxmanov, A. R. (2022). ISLOM HUQUQINING ZAMONAVIY RIVOJLANISHI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 334-341.

Author: Raxmanov, Abdumuxtor Rejjabbaevich

Annotation: The role of Islam in the eyes of the world community is incomparable. In Uzbekistan, where the majority of the population is traditionally Muslim, there is a practice of social support for enlightened Islamic ideas, which is due to the fact that historically Islam was not only a religion, but also the basis of people's way of life, thinking, state structure, law and culture that has been preserved as a custom. The article discusses formal and informal attempts to systematize Sharia law. The role of collective ijtihad in the development of Islamic law is also discussed.

Keywords: Islamic law, Sharia, Islamic movement, systematization, codification, the process of Islamization, ijtihad, collective ijtihad
