Raxmatov, O., & Sotvoldiyev, X. R. O. G. L. (2021). AVTOTRANSPORT VOSITALARIGA MAVSUMIY SERVIS XIZMAT KO’RSATISH TURLARI VA ULARNING XARAKAT XAVFSIZLIGIGA TA’SIRI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1147-115

Author: Raxmatov, O’tkirjon Farxod o’g’li; Sotvoldiyev, Xasanboy Rasuljon o’g’li

Annotation: The article describes the seasonal maintenance of vehicles, daily maintenance, first maintenance, second maintenance, and their impact on road safety

Keywords: Seasonal service, The main task of the seasonal inspection, Faulty cars, traffic accidents.
