Raxmatullayeva, G. N. V. Q., Atajanov, E. Y., & Sotivoldiyeva, M. I. Q. (2021). QATTIQ JISMLAR FIZIKASIGA OID MASALALAR YECHISH ORQALI O ‘QUVCHILARNI FAN OLIMPIADALARIGA TAYYORLASH METODIKASI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and soc

Author: Raxmatullayeva, Gulira’no Valijon Qizi; Atajanov, Elyor Yusupboyevich; Sotivoldiyeva, Mahliyo Ilhomjon qizi

Annotation: The article analyzes the specificity of problems in solid state physics and shows how to prepare students for scientific Olympiads by solving problems in solid state physics.

Keywords: solid state physics, scientific Olympiad, motion of electrons in metals, methods for solving problems.
