Razzoqova, J. R. Q., Qaxorov, M. X., & Kushakova, M. N. (2021). TEMIR YO ‘L TRANSPORTINING MOLIYAVIY BOSHQARUV TIZIMINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 978-986.

Author: Razzoqova, Jumagul Rasulbek qizi; Qaxorov, Muhriddin Xusunovich; Kushakova, Mamura Narimanovna

Annotation: This article assesses the role of the railway network in the country's economy, as well as the financial management and problems of regional transport systems. Also, statistical analyzes of modern methods of transport and logistics management, freight and turnover by type of transport were made and compared. In addition, ways to develop the activities of logistics services in railway transport have been melted down.

Keywords: financial management, economic growth, financial resource, railway transport, transport and logistics infrastructure, modes of transport, rail freight, freight turnover, transit corridors, railway highways, management efficiency.
