Author: Maxmudov, Sh.A.; Babayeva, N.B.
Annotation: The main factors determining the development of career transport are systematically worsening mining-geological and mining-technical conditions of production. It is known that the development of an open method of development is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of production, an increase in the depth and spatial dimensions of the quarries, and the distance and complexity of transportation of the rock mass. The determining factor is the depth of the quarries. Automobile transport, as transport of the working area of the open-pit mine, is the most exposed to the effects of mining conditions that are more complex with depth. The main limitation of the use of road transport in deep quarries is still the high cost of transportation of the rock mass. In addition, career road transport is the main source of negative anthropogenic environmental impact during open pit mining.
Keywords: mining, performance measurement, dump truck, environmental performance, availability, mining industry.
Pages in journal: 174 - 180