
Author: Маликова, Айзада Рахматовна

Annotation: The article discusses the daily routine and the role of physical exercises for the full formation of a child’s body, the significance of these processes in the education of schoolchildren. After finishing hard training at school, the experiment observed the effect of a short walk in the fresh air and active games on restoring strength. After finishing hard training at school, the experiment observed the effect of a short walk in the fresh air and active games on restoring strength. Our research on the topic “Hygiene and personal hygiene” in connection with the teaching of the textbook “Man and His Health” in secondary schools was carried out in AFCHOIM No. 16 in the city of Navoi. The 8th “E” and “J” grades of the school were selected for the experiment. In the experimental groups, testing was carried out on the use of hygiene and regimen on the topics of the textbook “Man and His Health”. Along with observing the daily routine for a month, in practice, schoolchildren were observed to control the nutrition of students, as well as the influence of these processes on the educational process of students. The observation results are presented in the article.

Keywords: daily routine, functional biological and social rhythm of the nervous system, morning physical education, hygiene requirements, formation of personal hygiene rules.

Pages in journal: 127 - 131
