Рубидинов, Ш. Г. У., & Ғайратов, Ж. Г. У. (2021). КЎП ОПЕРАЦИЯЛИ ФРЕЗАЛАБ ИШЛОВ БЕРИШ МАРКАЗИНИНГ ТАНА ДЕТАЛЛАРИГА ИШЛОВ БЕРИШДАГИ УНУМДОРЛИГИНИ ТАХЛИЛИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 759-765.

Author: Рубидинов, Шохрух Гайратжон угли; Ғайратов, Жасурбек Гайратжон угли

Annotation: This article provides suggestions, analysis, and theoretical conclusions on how to increase the efficiency of the use of multi-operation milling centers in the processing of body parts used in mechanical engineering.

Keywords: milling, contour-milling, contour milling, operation, equivalent, productivity, push.
