Ruzimatova, B. S., & Yulchiyev, I. I. (2021). KREATIV PEDAGOGIKA–PEDAGOGIKAGA YANGICHA YONDASHUV. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1096-1103.

Author: Ruzimatova, B.S., Yulchiyev, I.I.

Annotation: The article evaluates the role and importance of creative pedagogy in the system of humanities and educational practice; as well as ideas about the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the creative orientation of personality training in the process of continuing education and about the creative abilities that are formed by teachers.

Keywords: creativity, development of creativity, factors hindering the development of creativity, creative potential, pedagogical creativity, creative potential of a teacher, structural foundations and principles of creative potential, criteria determining the creative potential of a teacher.
