Ruziyeva, O. (2021). MAKTABGACHA TA'LIM TASHKILOTLARIDA INTEGRATSIYALASHGAN MUSIQA MASHG'ULOTLARINI TASHKIL ETISHNING NAZARIY ASOSLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 527-534.

Author: Ruziyeva, Orzigul

Annotation: It is known that the combination of music, fine arts and literature creates great opportunities to reveal the spiritual horizons of art, introduces it as a language of communication between peoples, the memory of humanity, in which the thoughts of people of the past, his feelings, deeds, and present are preserved. Every teacher is motivated to do research in lesson planning. The article also analyzes the theoretical foundations of the organization of integrated music classes in preschool education.

Keywords: integration, preschool education, training, method. novelty, music
