САЪДИДДИН ШПУН ИЖОДИДА ТАРИХИЙ РОМАН МАСАЛАСИ (“Шин тоғай” – “Яшил чақчайган” ва “Самце ёрон” – “Ғордаги дўстлар” романлари мисолида)

Author: Қорабоев, С.

Annotation: Sa’duddin Shpun one of lightest representative of Pashto literature. He has lots of written works both in prose and poetry. Novel, especially historical novel in his works is very interesting, but it hasn’t been analyzed up to now. In this article briefly analyzed two novels of the above-mentioned novelist, such as “Shin tog‘ay” – “Green eyes” and “Samtse yoron” – “Friends in the cave”. The analysis focuses on the issue of interpretation of historical reality in the novels as well as their fictionality.

Keywords: novel genre, the issue of the historical novel genre in Pashtu literature, heroes of works, national heroes, depiction of the social environment of the historical period, love conflicts in historical novels.

Pages in journal: 5 - 14
