Садикова, А. М., Мухаммедалиев, А. Т. У., & Досназарова, М. Б. (2021). ПЕРЕРАБОТКА ФОСФОРИТОВ КАРАТАУ В ГЕКСАФТОРОСИЛИКАТ НАТРИЯ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 569-572.

Author: Садикова, Адалат Маратовна; Мухаммедалиев, Азизбек Тимур угли; Досназарова, Манзура Бахытбаевна

Annotation: Development of a technology for processing Karatau phosphorites with the production of sodium fluorosilicate, expanding the reagent base for the production of FSN by the soda method, improving the quality of the target product, creating a low-waste scheme for processing Karatau phosphorites. Development of a technology for processing Karatau phosphorites with the production of sodium fluorosilicate, expanding the reagent base for the production of FSN by the soda method, improving the quality of the target product, creating a low-waste scheme for processing Karatau phosphorites.

Keywords: Karatau phosphorites, fluoride salts, fluorine waste, phosphoric acid, high quality product.
