Садуллаев, Б. С., Асилов, Ш. Н., & Нормуродов, А. А. (2021). РАЗРАБОТКА ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ОБОГАЩЕНИЯ ВОЛЛАСТОНИТОВОЙ РУДЫ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯ КОЙТАШ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 56-63.

Author: Садуллаев, Б.С., Асилов, Ш.Н., Нормуродов, А.А.

Annotation: The article presents the results of studying the material composition, as well as the results of technological studies of a sample of wollastonite ore from the Koytash deposit. The mineralogical composition has been determined, schemes of wollastonite ore have been developed using promising methods, when using which it is possible to obtain high technological indicators for the extraction of wollastanite. Wollastanite ore was concentrated by the foam separation method. When using froth separation in flotation, the wollastolite content in the concentrate is 86.52 g / t with a recovery rate of 94.1%.

Keywords: flotation concentrate reagent acid crushing screened.
