Safarova, N. S., Gʻafurov, U. U., & Omonov, X. T. (2022). VENN GRAFIK USLUBIDAN KIMYO DARSLARIDA FOYDALANISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 134-138.

Author: Safarova, Nafisa Sulaymonovna; Gʻafurov, Umurbek Ulugʻbekovich; Omonov, Xojiqul Tovboyevich

Annotation: In this article we will give a brief overview of Venn diagrams, problems faced by students in mastering chemistry, advantages of using Venn diagrams in chemistry lessons, examples for creating a graphical method for chemistry lessons, recommendations for creating Venn diagrams.

Keywords: Venn graphic style, Unexplained terms, avoidance of written teaching, convenient for necessary concepts, independent creation of Venn diagram, research results, recommendations, conclusions.
