Saidmuradova, T. S., & Mansurov, S. J. K. (2021). RESPUBLIKA YENGIL SANOAT KORXONALARINING FAOLIYATI VA EKOSPORT SALOHIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 299-305.

Author: Saidmuradova, Tursunoy Sobirovna; Mansurov, Saidxo‘ja Kamolovich

Annotation: This article examines the state of light industry enterprises in the Republic, in the state of production efficiency and exports. In addition, the legislation of the Republic states that many reforms are being carried out and measures are being taken to develop the activities of light industry enterprises.

Keywords: enterprise, economy, efficiency, textile, spinning, sewing, knitting, leather shoes, fur products, finished products, raw materials, yarn, competition, diversification, export, investment, technology
