Saidolimov, S. (2021). O ‘ZBEKISTON TASHQI SIYOSATI: MILLIY MANFAATLARGA ASOSLANGAN FAOL VA PRAGMATIK YO ‘L. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 344-351.

Author: Saidolimov, Saidxon

Annotation: The article considers the new constructive political initiatives put forward by Uzbekistan over the past five years and supported by the world community, as well as the positive trends in the Central Asian region. The article notes that Central Asia is undergoing a process of serious political transformation, in which the principles of openness and constructiveness, mutual trust and respect are becoming stronger. This, according to the author, gives hope that in the near future Central Asia will enter the process of integration in the world as a single space of sustainable development and give it a new quality and content.

Keywords: Uzbekistan, foreign policy, national interests, strategy, development, Central Asia, regional cooperation, Consultative Council.
