Saidrasulova, S. N. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE COMPETENCES IN HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1005-1010.

Author: Saidrasulova, Shaxnoza Nazarovna

Annotation: This article analyzes the formation of linguistic competence in foreign language teaching in higher education institutions and its stages of gradual development as a necessity. The importance of lexical skills in the context of interdisciplinary relations as an integral part of the lexical competence of a foreign language is emphasized, their specificity and conditions of formation are described, based on the advantage of structured lexical competencies of a foreign language on an interdisciplinary basis. This involves taking into account the linguistic characteristics of the students as well as the educational and cognitive activities.

Keywords: linguistic competence, speech situation, lexical skills, vocabulary, dynamic unity, professional process.
