Сахибова, З. Р., & Ахмедова, М. А. К. (2021). КОМПЛЕКСНАЯ ДИАГНОСТИКА И ХИРУРГИЧЕСКОЕ ЛЕЧЕНИЕ ОСЛОЖНЕННЫХ ФОРМ ЭХИНОКОККОЗА ПЕЧЕНИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 203-212.

Author: Сохибова, Зиёда Рахмоновна; Ахмадова, Мафтуна Амин кизи

Annotation: The objective of the study is to evaluate the approaches of surgical treatment of complicated forms of liver echinococcosis.. During the period from 2010 to 2016, surgical treatment of liver echinococcosis was performed in 202 patients, 161 patients of them (79.7 %) had primary echinococcosis, and 41 patients (20.3 %) had recurrent echinococcosis. The work is based on the retrospective analysis of the results of preoperative examination, intraoperative ultrasound examination and treatment of 46 (22.8 %) patients with complicated echinococcosis – with isolated liver damage or in combination with other localizations. 8 patients had concomitant complications.. Cyst suppuration is the most common among the complicated forms of liver echinococcosis. Complicated liver echinococcosis should be operated in the specialized institution with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment and highly qualified specialists.

Keywords: complicated echinococcosis, surgical treatment,diagnosis, devastation measure
