Saliyev, E. P. L. O. G. L., & Yuldashova, D. K. (2021). QIZILQUM TABIIY GEOGRAFIK OLKASINING TABIIY BOYLIKLARIDAN OQILONA FOYDALANISH MASALALARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 315-319.

Author: Saliyev, Erkinbay Po’lat o’g’li; Yuldashova, Dilnoza Kidirbayevna

Annotation: Kyzylkum, one of the largest deserts of the Turan plain, is located mainly between the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya. However, the Kyzylkum region includes a part of the Kyzylkum desert, located on the territory of Uzbekistan. Kyzylkum region borders with Nizhneamudarya region in the north-west, Lower Zarafshan region in the southeast and Tashkent-Mirzachul region in the east. The region is bordered by the southwestern part of Turkmenistan and the northeastern part of Kazakhstan. Kyzyl Kum decreases from the southeast to the northwest. Its average absolute height is 200-300 m, in the southeast - 350-400 m, and in the north-west - 90-100 m.

Keywords: Turan plain, Kyzylkum desert, Lower Amudarya region, gold, bauxite, mercury, graphite, Zarafshan, Uchkuduk, Tomdibulak, Kokpathos
