Salomova, F. I., Xakimova, D. S., Axmadaliyev, N. O., & Qiyomova, M. M. J. Q. (2022). DEHQON BOZORI VA SAVDO MAJMUALARIDAGI MOL GO ‘SHTI SIFATIGA SANITAR GIGIENIK BAHOLASH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1),

Author: Salomova, Feruza Ibodullayevna; Xakimova, Durdona Saydinovna; Axmadaliyev, Nigora Odilovna; Qiyomova, Marjona Murodxo‘ja Qizi

Annotation: The study examined the status of beef in markets and shopping malls, which are the primary source of food for the human body. The results of laboratory testing of the product, the quality analysis of beef and the assessment of the sanitary and hygienic condition of the stalls are described.

Keywords: Beef, food, veterinary examination, organoleptic characteristics, chemical parameters, hygienic quality, laboratory tests.
