Сапарниязова, З. (2021). РОЛЬ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ И РЕЛИГИОЗНЫХ ЦЕННОСТЕЙ В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ ОБЩЕЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОЙ ДУХОВНОСТИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 348-352.

Author: Сапарниязова, Зухра

Annotation: In this article, the analysis of problems related to the essence, content, forms of manifestation of values is studied scientifically and philosophically. The author substantiates the importance of universal and national values, the essence and content of which are interpreted in different ways. Also, the theme of values is reflected in religious worldviews and even in their most ancient forms, which each religion has its own system of divine values.

Keywords: legends, myths, stories, epics, religious value, courage, wisdom, kindness, loyalty, patriotism, customs, traditions.
