Saparova, G. A. (2021). YOSHLARDA MILLIY O ‘ZLIKNI ANGLASH MEXANIZMI VA O ‘ZINI-O ‘ZI BOSHQARUV USULI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 369-373.

Author: Saparova, Gulbaxar Aytbaevna

Annotation: In this article, when studying the mechanism of national identity among young people, we consider their views on identifying its specific features, content, components from a scientific and philosophical point of view. His views on self-knowledge, the existence of emotional-value relationships and moral and spiritual self-government of the individual are scientifically and theoretically studied.

Keywords: self-awareness, structure, component, personality, emotionality, value, ethnic community, social relations, national identity.
