Shakarov, O. (2021). BOSHQARUV REGLAMENTINI TASHKIL ETISHDA AXLOQIY TAMOYILLARNING O ‘RNI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 359-370.

Author: Shakarov, O‘.B.

Annotation: This article discusses the place of moral principles in the establishment of management regulations as an important means of ensuring the justice of the management system. It also strengthens moral relationships supported by managers and employees, helps regulate emancipation, and ensures that their actions are carried out. Management based on established moral values can serve as the legal basis for the resolution of various conflicts. It also highlights the manager’s procedures for applying incentive and disciplinary measures to his employees, improving teamwork and balancing interpersonal relationships in the team. Also, improvement of management is considered on the basis of cooperation, regular meetings with staff to solve problems, open communication between managers and employees, employee participation in organizational matters, decision-making authority for departments and offices, distribution of material wealth, and employee participation in planning processes

Keywords: state, society, justice, concept of justice, regulation, administrative regulation, morality, moral values, leader, ethics of the leader, criticism, encouragement
