Shakirov, T. T., & Muminova, N. A. K. (2021). RESEARCH OF PROMISING TRENDS IN PEDAGOGY WHICH INFLUENCE THE SUCCESS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1104-1109.

Author: Shakirov, Tuigunjon Turgunovich; Muminova, Nilufar Abdulla kizi

Annotation: In order to implement an effective educational process of the researcher, new versions of concepts, theories and teaching methods have been repeatedly proposed. The experience of introducing and using educational theories and concepts has shown that every innovation in education after a short period has been criticized. This does not mean that all innovations in the educational field were initially irrelevant. As for the methods of education, the traditional methods for these purposes have long been beliefs, the teacher's personal example, pedagogical tact and preventive measures, which are not enough for the implementation of the modern educational process.

Keywords: mentoring process, personal qualities, ego motives, psycho-didactics
